The Evident Truth

You are

You are life. You are now. You are complete. 

That is all you need to know, and deep down you just already know.

You are not your thinking, you are not your past, you are not your future, you are not your name, you are not your emotions, you are not your education, you are not your job (title), you are not your ego, you are not your conditioning, you are not your culture, you are not your personality, you are not your status, you are not your drama, you are not your gender, you are not your beliefs, you are not your upbringing, you are not your life situation, you are not your body, you are not your race, you are not your religion, you are not your sexual preference, you are not your pain, you are not your illness. 

You are the observer, the awareness behind all that.


Beneath all the layers of conditioning, you are your essence, your nature.  That is the truth, and because you already know, it is The Evident Truth. It is time to drop the masks.